Grade 4-6 get started on FinS Project

Our Grade 4, 5 and 6 students are buzzing with excitement as they have no completed the dry set up for their FinS (Fish in Schools) program aquarium. On Monday, January 20 they will complete the wet set up in anticipation of the arrival of our fish eggs at the end of January!
Students in our upper elementary class will have a hands-on opportunity between now and the beginning of June to learn about the fish life cycles and stages, habitats, needs and adaptations in addition to learning about Alberta's fish and threats to their survival, the importance of water quality, and having the opportunity to develop an awareness of human impacts and actions on aquatic ecosystems.
The students will be raising rainbow trout, documenting and charting their growth patterns, before releasing the fish into an approved local aquatic ecosystem in June. For more information visit the FinS program website HERE.
Stay tuned for more updates after our fish eggs arrive in Dixonville!